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Could someone help, please - disappearing Meshes


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Hi everybody,


after having searched the Forum Sites and Tutorials, I now have to ask the

community, if anyone could help with the following Problem and a question

concerning the integration of resources in the CK -


1) After playing Skyrim now for a while and having it functioning with not too many

CTDs, only once in a while, I started with the TES CK, because I thought

building my own Castle or home like in Oblivion with the TES CS, could be

a fine thing and if I could manage it to get finished, it would be great

making the Mod public .

Well, I don't know how many warnings there are but finally the TES CK starts

and the Skyrim esm. , the Update and the DLCs are loaded -


I also managed to find a space where not too many other things are already placed

or installed and started my Mod as usual .

Then after a while and the longer I tried and worked with all kinds of Statics/Meshes,

the "Statics" I had put in place, started to disappear again !

So to say, the Meshes I had used for my Mod were mostly gone/invisible ... -

esspecially the bigger ones like big Rocks, Mountain-Parts or big Walls ,

and I had to hit the "F5-Key" all the time to make the things appear and

visible again !

I deleted the Mod again and started at a different place but there the same

thing happened - after working for a while the Meshes were gone/invisible again !


Even zooming and rotating didn't have any effect, except the "F5-Key" -


This is absolutely annoying and effective work, that makes effort and also the

pleasure of creating something nice, is in no way possible like this .


So it would be really great if somebody has any idea what this could be all about ... ?!



2) Now, my second question is about the integration of Modder's resources in the TES CK,

how this is done if you use the Mod-Organizer and if you don't have an esp. file .

Only the Meshes and Textures like it's mostly the case .

There are really great resources created by the Modders in the community, so it

would be a good thing to use these things and honor their work that way .


So if there's an existing tutorial or someone could help, that would be fine ... -


Many Thanks in advance and I hope hearing from you -




Witgar aka Argir





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It varies but you may have to use the F5 key a lot to refresh the render window, particularly if there a lot of objects in an exterior cell. This is normal so don't worry about it.


The integration of modders resources is easy particuarly for Statics. First place the modders meshes and textures you want in the Data directory. Just select statics in the CK object window - right click in the panel with the list of existing static and select new. Type a name for your new static then click on Edit and find the mesh you want by clicking on the next Edit button under Model File Name.

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Hallo and Thanks agerweb,


first for your Reply and second for the help and advice .... -


If this is the case that one has to use the F5-Key more or less often to keep up

with the modding-work in the TES-CK, then I have to admit that this isn't really

positive for this tool and it sounds like a bad technical "bug" to me ... -


The question now is, if there's an existing solution to make the TES-CK more stable

and pleasant for working ??


Next and last question is, if there's any possibility to make the black "oily", ugly

Water in the TES-CK more "transparent" , so that you can see what you're

doing "under the Water-surface" in order to create nice coast- , shore- , and

harbour-areas without having to "DIVE" around everywhere, even at and in

the "Flat-Water-Areas" and "Coast-Lines" ... - ??


It would be great if you know an answer or if you know where I'll find one .

I had already searched for this Problem but couldn't find any hint or solution ... -


Many Thanks so far and




Witgar aka Argir

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I am afraid the water look as you described, its slightly better in lit mode but not much. You pretty much have to go under the water if your building something there. Not seen any solution out there; but I guess there wouldn't be unless somebody tried to mess with the CK code to rewrite it.


The CK is what it is and we have to work with it.

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