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Weapon Equip/Favourites List Overhaul


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A mod that creates slots on the players body, for various weapons(say, 2 medium/large or 1 heavy and 2 or 3 small weapons slot) that, like many other mods, make the weapon visible on the players body when not in use. The problem is those mods, are generally aesthetic and don't do anything. Instead weapons that show up on the player would be selected and placed on the player from their favorites menu and when changing weapons using hotkeys the player takes the selected weapon off of their visual person and begins use.


This could limit the amount of weapons a player can favourite(hotkey) at one time(personally I wouldn't limit the amount chems, food or water beyond the current limit).

Not a modder, just thought that this could make sense if anyone knows how it could be done.

Edited by Hellsyea
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Check out visible weapons by registrator2000. All do respect to registrator, because I am amazed at the skills of modders like him, but... this mod isn't a complete solution, exactly, but it does help and it is pretty cool. If you have a weapon visual, his mod makes it animate taking it off your back when you equip it. The mod lets you link the visuals with the actual weapons, so it has the effect of taking it off your back.


Personally I'd like to see these work with backpack mods. A backpack is an essential thing for me in these games, at the very least. Can't help but feel taken out of it by carrying around multiple guns and hundreds of pounds of stuff in your pockets.

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