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Complete and Smoothed Santuary Floor


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I was wondering, and hoping, if it would be possible to smooth the ground of Sanctuary. If you have a mod like Scrap Everything you find pieces of ground sticking out, sharp as a knife and very ugly. Also, removing the road uncovers gaint gaping holes.

Would it be possible to make the ground of sanctuary "smooth" and complete. Maybe make it where it divets just under the roads, so that if you remove them it looks like it was actually dugout?

Basically a mod, that if EVERY removable object was.... removed, that would make Sanctuary look like a decent smooth hill with a dirt path.

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I was just thinking of something like this, only applicable anywhere - a mod that smooths out ground over any specified area in any settlement. After all, in real life, you can get to work with tools to make ground level, so this would be a nice immersion mod. I don't mean smooth out the entire settlement ground - just an area that you specify, perhaps with markers.

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