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Entering Combat Notifier/Alert


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I'm really interested in having a visual notifier/alert that shows me I have entered combat, something is coming after me, etc.

Whether it's a glow around the screen, a message in the corner, or something else along those lines.

I find myself using stealth a lot in areas I'm unfamiliar with in order to know whether or not I've entered combat (gotten "aggro" on something), or in hopes that I see the bad guys before they see me. It sometimes feels like a restriction... I'd rather run around freely without stealth and not worry about almost pissing myself when something sneaks up behind me and bashes the hell out of me.

I've yet to find a mod that does something like this, besides some that change the audio combat music, which I'd rather not do. Sometimes I may not have the game's audio on.

Thank you to anyone that takes on this request! I'm really not as picky as I may sound! Any kind of visual alert should work, as long as it doesn't pause/interfere with gameplay.

Edited by amber1019
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I have thought about this a lot too. In some ways I just miss threats showing on the compass as red ticks like they did in 3 and New Vegas. I attributed that to my high perception...


On the other hand, the trade-off required between convenience and early threat-detection required in this game adds something for me too. I sneak around new, scary places because I don't want to be seen first. But it's tedious. So if I think I don't need to be so careful, I walk or run around like normal. Sometimes I have paid dearly, as when I come around a corner into a nest of enemies, or a yao guai starts chasing after me and I don't know it until I hear him breath and he rakes me across the back. So I have to watch my 6, which adds to the tension of the game, in my opinion. I kind of like it.


However, it would be really cool if this threat-sensing ability could be had with a high-tech-level piece of gear, like a modded synth or assaultron helmet. Currently I use a mod that lets me use the targeting hud effect on a pair of welding goggles. It's not as complete as a 360 threat detection system, but it helps and still leaves me with some fear and some need to be careful. Also it is plausible and immersive given my sciency character.

ble Targeting Hud by C4P0M3. It's not as comprehensive as a 360 threat-detection system, but it helps a lot.

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I'd love to see this as well. Crouching all over the place when I'm not even playing a stealthy character gets old fast. I mean how oblivious is my character that he can't tell there's a giant death claw rushing up behind him until it's in swinging distance?

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