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This is probably both simple and tedious and comes in likely two parts.


part 1: Adding vault numbers to the vault lab coats, and adding leather patches to the waist-land variants elbows and shoulders.


part 2: because of the obvious, fitting these lab-coats as replacements to both the waist-land scientists and the vault tech scientists.


Not really a must, but adding a vault 111 lab coat and/or an armored elbow variant to sanctuary and/or the vault 111 cryo lab.


Throughout my first play through, which I flunked badly at self control, I used console commands to play around with everything in the game once I left the vault, sad to say I never found a lab coat until I made it to vault 88, which disappointed me greatly.


Adding numbers to the suits and leather patches just makes it seem more realistic as though scientists were specifically designated to each vault with a lab coat made for that vaults needs, and since vault 111 is cryo science, it would make sense for the lab-coats to be fitted with thermal padding and be specially designed for that vault.


Anyone who fills this request I must say thank you!

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