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Machine Gun Nest


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So, I was looking through some mods, and came across Wasteland Melody's awesome Heavy Machine Gun mod.

This, combined with several sandbag mods, got me thinking, what if I combined the two? It seems a bit weird being able to build auto turrets straight away, and guard posts don't really do that much in a settlement's defence. So why not have something less complex than a turret, but more effective than regular guard posts? Why not a machine gun nest?


I've been meaning to make a mod of my own for a while, but as a complete beginner, would this be a good place to start? Assuming I get permission to use the existing models, of course.


As for how it would work, it would either require a settler to man the gun, or be simply a passive emplacement that produces defence simply be being there, and which settlers will run to use when an attack happens.


Let me know what you guys think.

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