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Annoying bug breaks stealth during a stealth kill animation


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Equip a knife or other silent weapon. Sneak up on a raider and use a power attack to do a stealth kill. If you are in first-person, you break stealth completely and everyone sees you. If you are in third-person, you don't seem to break stealth but the victim stays alive long enough to alert enemies nearby, putting everyone in 'caution' mode. That this behaves differently in first-person than in third-person tells me this is a bug and not by-design. (Even if it was by-design... that is just horrible design.)


Anyone else? or is there some mod that fixes this? I haven't found one. Thanks guys!

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I wanted to find a fix for this and just happened to find this thread. A stealth kill animation that breaks stealth is completely useless and what's even worse it's impossible to avoid it. I would be so happy if someone actually makes a fix for this.

Edited by MjXephon
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