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I'm not entirely following your way of moving my Steam folder. Where shall I move to it to exactly? And what are the issues that will be caused by having it in C:\Program Files(x86)? I've had it there since forever, and never thought that I'd have to move it. Of course I will if it's recommended, I'm just curious as to why, and where would you recommend that I move it to? (I looked at the article you mentioned and didn't quite follow what it said). Am I moving Steam out of the program files area and into another location on the C drive? Where would that be? Excuse my ignorance, I'm just wanting to clarify.

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Why having games installed to the default location is a problem:
* Windows tries to prevent any changes to "system protected files" once they are installed.
* "System protected files" includes anything installed under the "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files(x86)" folder trees.
* Even programs installed under "system protected files" can't change their own files, including INI files. They actually change "shadow file" copies which are stored elsewhere and intentionally difficult to find.
* Older games don't realize this in their design, and have problems as a result. This can't be "fixed".
* Some people think they can get around this problem by running as administrator or changing security settings, but Windows is persistent in restoring it's "protections" when it updates. Fighting with the security design is a waste of time and frustration when moving the games is simpler.

1. Create a "C:\Games" folder. This could be on any other partition/drive letter, but assuming you only have one drive then it will be on "C:". The important thing is it must NOT be ''under'' any other folder.
Make sure your "Users" group has "Full Control" of this folder. If you don't know how to do this, search the internet on your version of Windows and "folder permissions" (i.e. "Win10 folder permissions").
2. Open your "Steam Client" (i.e. "connect to Steam").
3. Now follow the Steam guide "Moving a Steam Installation and Game" instructions for "How do I change the default installation path for my games?"
4. Then follow the next set of those instructions: "How do I move my existing Steam Installation?"
5. You do not need to move your "Save Games", because they are remaining on the same hard drive ("C:").
6. My supplemental instructions are pointing out that you have to use the "Add Library Folder" button in step 3 before you attempt to "move" the existing game in step 4. Also that any modding tools (like FNVEdit) may have to be re-installed.

If you are bothered by step 4, then you can just uninstall the current game through the "Windows Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs", and when you re-install after completing step 3, it should be installed to the new location. Again, your save game files should be safe, but you will need to rename both the INI files in the "C:\Users\<YourAccountName>\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV" folder, and let the game rebuild them.

If there are any particular points that are not clear, please ask.


[Edit to refine some instructions.]



Edited by dubiousintent
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Thanks for the clear instructions, that's what I was expecting. I've cut the 3 correct files from the steam folder, deleted the rest and pasted those 3 into C:\Games which is a new folder I created. I've also been into the Steam and added the library folder to C:\Games. The steam folder in program (x86) is gone now. I take it that I've done everything correctly?

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I got an error "Unable set current dir to game dir - unable to find the specified path". I believe I fixed this by deleting the desktop shortcuts for the Steam games I currently play and re-adding them to the desktop. Then I launched F:NV with the standard launcher, and then quit to the desktop once it got the menu, finally I managed to start F:NV using the FNV4GB launcher which seems to working again now. I hope I've done everything right.

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I managed to play a lengthy period of time without the game crashing/freezing, which might be thanks to the Stutter Remover and/or the new steam location. As of the other issue, nothing yet, I'll keep playing normally and report back should it start happening. Not been to the Promonotry yet where the issue usually happens, though I'll try going there and see what happens. At least we seem to be closing in on solving it, a lot of potential causes have been crossed off the list.

Edited by MrFrancis
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Alright, so the issue has started happening again on my current save. Got to level 22 with not one thing going wrong. I (and I'll just give a quick summary of what I was doing) was happily clearing the Gypsum train yard, killing Deathclaws when suddenly my gun stopped firing when I was tapping M1, despite having ammo loaded and about lots in reserve (another tell-tale sign that the issue is active is my weapon suddenly not firing when it's out). I was in 1st person at the time, and tried to scroll out into 3rd person...and I got the flickering thing, confirming that the issue was indeed happening again, and demonstrating that the issue is not just tied to being in the Promontory.


One thing I noticed, and this might be irrelevant, was just before I force closed the game, I opened the console, and there was just "refreshing player" all down the console. Not sure if that's normal or not.

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Well, that at least confirms the main issue is not location specific; and given you have installed the memory tweaks and it isn't a CTD, it shouldn't be memory exhaustion. Hmm. What else is in common between the two situations?


1. Is this vanilla (meaning no mods installed at all, not just deactivated) or modded? (Deactivating doesn't necessarily restore overwritten files.) If modded, please post a current "load order" list.

2. Level. What was the last "perk" you took? Has that been fairly consistent prior to the issue? Are you playing with any "perk" mods or anything else tied to level?

3. Deathclaws. Do you have anything installed that modifies them?

4. Number of actors present. The more actors (companions and opponents) active in the scene, the more overhead processing. This is the primary reason the vanilla game limits you to two companions. Note that even if you don't have companions with you in the same cell but have not "parted ways" they still count as active and take up processing. If you use Wrye Flash to build a "Bashed Patch" file, it has an option to adjust the max number of actors in a cell at a time, and the max number in combat.

5. Weapon out. Have you tried swapping weapons instead of switching view modes? Some weapons have a chance to jam. (That shouldn't cause the "stiff arm" animation lockup though, but it's a separate issue to what is triggering the weapon lockup.)


Given you are not using "auto-save" you should be able to test from save points just prior to the lockup safely now. Save file corruption is not impossible, but much less likely now.


Re: the console message. It normally spits out messages every couple of seconds even if nothing is happening, so the "refreshing player" is most likely the result of the flickering caused by you trying to "scroll out into 3rd person".


Didn't you map the function from your mouse wheel back to the keyboard? Switching views is a toggle, which will have problems with a rotating wheel without a definite "stop" point. It might work if it was mapped to a "click" of the wheel, though. That's not your main problem, but ought to get rid of the "flickering".



Edited by dubiousintent
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I have a a mod which adds more perks: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35979/?

And a mod which adds skill-based perks: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35043/?


I do not think that it's the perks causing problems; I don't get any issues after I take certain perks and they work as they should.


I only limit myself to 2 companions at any time. I have no issues when I get my second companion and no issue after I've had them for a while.


I have a mod which makes Deathclaws respawn (as I like fighting them): http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/52515/? and one that adds more to the game: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/47354/?


This is not vanilla. Vanilla wasn't all that good and was screaming to be modded, and I started adding mods almost right when I first started playing. My load order:


FOOK - New Vegas.esm
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
Factions Reloaded - Merge.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm
Monster Wars.esm
ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm
More Traits.esm
More Perks.esm
Tag Skills Improved.esp
Vurt's WFO.esp
FOOK - New Vegas.esp
More Perks Update.esp
Perks for Challenges.esp
FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
Monster Mod Wasteland Edition.esp
Super Mutants of New Vegas V4.esp
Alternative Start.esp
Ultimate Companion Overhaul - New Vegas.esp
More Traits Update.esp
Cheaper Repair Vendors 10%.esp
Convenient Fast Travel Markers.esp
More Fiends.esp
Lily and Veronica melee ai fix.esp
DLC Weapon Integration.esp
More Deathclaws DW.esp
Real Radiation Suits.esp
Respawning Deathclaws.esp
HTRP-Daily Vendor Restock.esp
exp for repair.esp
Expanded Traits.esp
Followers Ready To Fight.esp
Charismatic Pimp-Boy.esp
1st recon beret retex.esp
LFox Improved Regen Implant.esp
C93 - Endurance Determines HP per Level.esp
Real Rad-X.esp
Burning CampFire.esp
Benny's Lucky Lighter.esp
Sturdy Caravan Shotgun Fix.esp
Primm Reputation Restored.esp
Packless Heavy Weapons.esp
More Ghouls V2.esp
More Deathclaws QJ.esp
SuperMutant Camps 2.esp
More Deathclaws J15.esp
More Deathclaws GTY.esp
More Deathclaws Dp 1_4.esp
NevadaSkies - Ultimate DLC Edition.esp
Total active plugins: 107
Total plugins: 110
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For the moment let's focus on the Deathclaw mods, starting with "More Deathclaws". I note in the comments for it that someone found in FNVEdit that it requires "Speedy Resources Pack" (which the author thought was not required) and someone else reported that SRP glitches their game. Consequently let's first uninstall the mod (not just deactivate as we need to undo any overwrites), and SRP if it's installed, and see if the problem persists.



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