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Skyrim Corrupted Headers


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Cant get this issue fixes, Skyrim, update, dawnguard, dragonborn and hearthfires esm are ALLL giving me the corrupted warning in wryebash and i cant fix it, plus im getting a blackscreen freeze where i have to restart my pc cause i cant open task manager to shut it down. Any help, already verified cache unnofical patch etc.

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Has Wrye Bash been updated for the new SSE? I would assume that is the reason why your getting this message if it hasn't. Possibly your blackscreen is from a mod, is this at startup?
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Has Wrye Bash been updated for the new SSE? I would assume that is the reason why your getting this message if it hasn't. Possibly your blackscreen is from a mod, is this at startup?

No its happened once in the wilds, but 99% of the time its in the outside section of the mainquest of the Thalmor Embasy or Dragonsreach with the Jarl and the Dark elf bodyguard, the second she starts her lines in dragonsreach total crash. Have to reboot pc.

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