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Custom Quest Issues


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So I am trying to create my own quest in the Oblivion Construction Set, but it isn't going the way I had hoped. Mainly because things aren't working the way that they are supposed to. Specifically topics not showing up and NPC's not being enabled or disabled when I want them to.


My first major problem is that the custom topics that I created are not showing when they are supposed to. For example, the quest is about helping an Argonian locate his missing brother. It starts when you pick up a letter from said Argonian, and that part works just fine. You are then supposed to be able to speak with the Argonian now that the topic "Missing Brother" (editor ID for the topic is 0MissingBrother) is available...but the topic isn't there.


Despite the fact that I have tried adding "addtopic <topicname>" AND "player.addtopic <topicname>" to both the script attached to the letter to begin the quest AND the result script in the Topic tab for the quest! Also, I have put in conditions for the dialogue with GetIsId and GetStage to ensure only the NPC's I want to have that topic available will have the topic. But the topic doesn't show up and I have no idea why!


That's only the first problem. The second problem is that certain NPC's I made are supposed to be enabled (since I ticked the box "Initially Disabled" on them) at certain points in the quest. However, I tried putting "enable <RefID>" in the result script. But the NPC's didn't show up! So I am pretty sure that the NPC's I want disabled at certain quest stages won't disable when they're supposed to either.


I would appreciate as much help as possible, and please provide as much detail as possible because I have difficulty understanding certain directions (special needs >.<; ). Every tutorial I could find has essentially failed me, so I am officially lost at this point. :/

Edited by TonyB500
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Okay, I found out what went wrong with the NPC's not disabling and enabling. i just had to add the right scripts. And apparently, the topics weren't showing up simply because I forgot to put GetIsPlayableRace at 1 instead of 0. ^^;

Edited by TonyB500
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You fixed it, thumbs up! :thumbsup:


The Enable and Disable commands need to be called on the reference you want to enable. Like this:


More here:

And an idea or two, just ideas, before you get too far in your project. For example editor IDs: you could consider starting them with something other than a number. Yes, using a number does sort it at the top, but it might or might not cause issues, and it would be handy to use something other than a number. And also related to editor IDs: you could consider using unique editor IDs, for example by prefixing them with an abbreviation of the mod name, your username, or something else that should not be too common ("0MissingBrother" sounds a bit too common, so using "TB500MissingBrother" would probably be less common). When you use "TB500MissingBrother, it will not be loaded at the top, yes, and same goes for all your stuff like topics that you no longer prefix with "0". However that can be fixed, and that is where the Construction Set Extender (CSE) comes in.


If you do not already use the Construction Set Extender by the almighty shademe, I would definitely recommend starting to use it. Or at least giving it a try. The normal Construction Set can be a bit frustrating at times, but the CSE definitely improves it a lot. It even colours your edited forms and sorts them at the top of the lists automatically, which would solve all your prefix troubles. Resides at http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36370


Of course those are just ideas. You can do whatever you want. The Enable and Disable commands were just the main point of the post. There are many commands that are called on a reference in the game.


Hopefully that helps. Happy modding! :smile:

Edited by Contrathetix
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