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Silent CTD on game launch after 1.8 update


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Hi, hopefully someone will be able to help with this issue.

After having steam auto update the game to 1.8 the other day, I've been getting repeat crashes when trying to launch the game.
I usually get a black load screen as though it's trying to get there, and then straight back to desktop with no error message.
Sometimes (I can't see a pattern to when though) I can get the game to launch correctly and have no troubles once I start playing.


I've never had this issue before, and it started immediately after the update.
I'm not using F4SE, and have a pretty modest mod load order of 25ish plugins. I wouldn't think any of them would cause issues, and haven't had any with them so far across different playthroughs.


Has anyone else experienced this issue, and/or have a fix or know why it's happening?

I'm pretty frustrated with it so any help would be appreciated.



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