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"Stop Arena Combat" Item - Wasteland Workshop MUST-HAVE


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Bethesda really failed when it came to the arena for the Wasteland Workshop DLC.


How the hell are you supposed to stop the fight if you want to? Maybe I want more of a boxing match than a fight-to-the-death.


I'm requesting a build-able workshop item (a switch, a timer through a console, a bell, or anything) that signals to the arena combatants that it's time to end the fight, and preferably, to go back to their assigned Arena Contestant mat. And they do not, ever, resume combat unless directed to do so by the switch, console, bell, or whatever.


I haven't found a mod that addresses this. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. If you also want something like this, be sure to leave a comment to help this post stay on the front page.


Edit: Would also be nice to have an optional file to make settlers essential/immortal so if you use them as combatants and don't get to the new workshop item in time to stop the fight, your settlers don't die. Also, fun having them battle for the rest of time! Bwahaha! :devil:

Edited by amber1019
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Basically my idea is to use (A copy of) the traffic light device that tells settlers to take a break. When you pull the lever, it'll broadcast a stand down command to nearby NPCs and then turn its self off again after a short delay. It's mostly done, I just need to figure out why my CK stopped letting me access the DLC source scripts so I can see how the original functions. After all, it wouldn't be nearly as cool without the visual effects the light has.

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I was actually thinking along the same lines last night. I was thinking like how the original signals everyone to "take a break", during the "break time" is when the fighting would happen. But if you told everyone to go back to work by turning it off, the fight stopped. A built-in and/or optional timer would be cool. I just woke up so my brain is yet to be fully functional... is that what you're doing or a bit different than that? Sounds like what you're doing is kind of opposite of that. Which is fine! Just throwing my idea out there. lol

Thanks for working on this. :)

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I have heard that scripts can be very hard, if not impossible, to properly uninstall. Can wreck saves and all that. Do you think it'd be safe to uninstall that script/mod? Worried that since it modifies an original piece, it wouldn't be safe to uninstall. But idk. I'm not a modder. :confused:

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I have heard that scripts can be very hard, if not impossible, to properly uninstall. Can wreck saves and all that. Do you think it'd be safe to uninstall that script/mod? Worried that since it modifies an original piece, it wouldn't be safe to uninstall. But idk. I'm not a modder.

As it's using a (modified) script that's already in the game, it'll already be tied to your save. Removing it won't matter as the game will just load the original in its place.

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