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NPC's with low disposition should do mean things


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The mod I'm thinking about would cause NPC's with a negative disposition towards the Dragonborn to do mean things as revenge. This could include hiring thugs, challenging to a brawl, or challenging to a duel. The rival, if powerful, could maybe even cause guards to search your inventory (not sure how feasible this last thing is) and arrest if stolen items are found, or maybe just frame the Dragonborn for crimes. It might also cause a random Dark Brotherhood attempt on the Dragonborn. *Maybe even call on the Thieves Guild to rob a player home, but the stuff should be possible to recover.


What I'm talking about here is what NPC's do when they have a disposition of -1, and whatever other negative disposition that does not cause attack-on-sight. With enough detail, different kinds of NPC's could do different things: a brawler type would brawl or duel, but a usual townsperson probably would likely just hire thugs, call on the Dark Brotherhood, or frame someone instead.


I run into negative dispositions sometimes because some mods have a jealousy factor that will reduce disposition to -1 sometimes. It just stands to reason that NPC's would really do more than just fantasize about saber cats biting me.

Edited by rbx3
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