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Form Ranks Preston Wont talk to me


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So I'm basically trying to do form ranks where I ask preston to help me, problem is I did nuka world and now all he says is "im dissapointed and this will go better if we dont talk" and stuff, but before he said he would still follow my orders, I dont need him as a companion I just want to finish the miniute man quest line, and I've seen on youtube someone who did it with preston still mad at him so idk how to do that so if someone can help, would really help.


BTW video of the person who finisheed miniuteman quest with Preston still butthurt:

PC so if there are any console commands I'm willing or any mods or anything, so far all the mods I've seen require you to use them BEFORE taking first outpost, but I've basically taken 50% of settlements so that wont help me.

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