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Request for a mod to be ported from Skyrim to SSE


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I recently started experimenting with house mods in SSE. The problem is that I'm very fussy with what mods I use.


There is a mod that I used often back when I played the original Skyrim called Kagrenac's Instant Fortress. (only available on the steam workshop as far as I know)


I really enjoyed this mod and it fit into my playstyle perfectly, not mention its cool movable functionality.


The point is that the mod author doesn't seem to be planning on porting the mod up to SSE anytime soon, but I'm dying to use this mod.

I would attempt to port the mod up myself, but I have zero experience with Bethesda modding.


I would be so grateful if someone here on the Nexus could do it for me! Idk if this request would break any rules (if so tell me).


Thank you is advance! :laugh:



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I would be so grateful if someone here on the Nexus could do it for me! Idk if this request would break any rules (if so tell me).

okay. you are asking someone to not only break site rules but copyright laws. you need permission to port the mod from the author otherwise we cant do any thing with it.

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Unfortunately the mod author didn't give us any permission to port it. But luckily I found a few mods that are pretty close to what you're looking for.


Dwemer Storage Cube



Dwemer Storage Cube Enhanced





I also did find it on Nexus


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If he only wants the mod for personal use and is not uploading it to a site then I can see no problem in him fiddling about with it. Most house mods I use I go into the CK and change things and I have converted a mod to run on SSE for personal consumption.

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If he only wants the mod for personal use and is not uploading it to a site then I can see no problem in him fiddling about with it. Most house mods I use I go into the CK and change things and I have converted a mod to run on SSE for personal consumption.

Of course. Nothing wrong there.

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