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What do you do to keep a nice workflow and stay organized and focused?


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Also, timers to remind one to look up periodically.

Nooooo! That disrupts hyperfocus. I've been hyperfocused on mesh work for about 8 hours today. I'm sore, I have a headache, I'm jittery and I'm starting to lose my focus and be distracted but by god I got a TON of stuff done today. Ibuprofen and a nap solves the rest.

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Oh yeah I forgot to mention my physical pen/paper notebook where I jot down quick notes like mesh names, things I need to remember to do etc. I find the best thing to do when I think of something I want to add, fix, etc. that I HAVE to write it down immediately or I'll forget all about it 2 seconds later.


I do this too and love my notebooks. I go through a series of notebooks for a big project and love every one of them. It's fun to go back through them to see how far I've progressed.




Also, timers to remind one to look up periodically.

Nooooo! That disrupts hyperfocus. I've been hyperfocused on mesh work for about 8 hours today. I'm sore, I have a headache, I'm jittery and I'm starting to lose my focus and be distracted but by god I got a TON of stuff done today. Ibuprofen and a nap solves the rest.



My favorite days are when I'm in the chair for like 16 hours and I've been getting stuff done the entire time. It's exhausting but exhilarating. I should totally take breaks, and try to, but I'd rather work when things are going my way then take that break.




Also, oh shoot, it's nice to have the creator of Willow in my thread. I knew I recognized that name. Thanks for dropping by llamaRCA.




Thanks :smile: I love talking to other modders.

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Really? Huh, I've been told that can be helpful for my daughter's (albeit low-grade) ADHD.

It is if she's struggling to focus (like homework or whatever), but if she's hyperfocused probably let her just keep going until she's ready to finish. Or she actually needs to stop for some reason.


Having said that, apparently hyperfocus is linked to aspie tendencies. Something about the interaction between the two.


Also, in a related note. When I hyperfocus I don't focus on one thing - I just can't - I actually focus on multiple things. Like mentally having two monitors. That way when any part of me gets distracted it doesn't "escape", it just switches task.

Edited by Athanasa
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So what do you do in order to hyperfocus on your modding? Â Any specific triggers or things to do?

It sort of either happens or it doesn't. Like Llama said, the work needs to absolutely captivate me. That and I still end up bouncing around the different tasks within a project like a ping-pong ball.


If I'm not managing to focus I won't, can't, force it.

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So what do you do in order to hyperfocus on your modding? Â Any specific triggers or things to do?

It sort of either happens or it doesn't. Like Llama said, the work needs to absolutely captivate me. That and I still end up bouncing around the different tasks within a project like a ping-pong ball.


If I'm not managing to focus I won't, can't, force it.


Same in my experience. God if I could figure out a way to trigger it...holy brahmin the work I could get done!

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I'm wondering if I should add the results of the other thread to this thread. I might wait so that everyone can ask their questions. Setting up the Creation Kit like that may speed up workflow dramatically if you have the space and patience for it.

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