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I'm not a modder but I might become one because I really want to see this done. But if anyone else wants to give it a shot that would be amazing.

I think adding a variety of new mounts would be really fun. Personally I would like to see deer or elk as mounts. But bears or even trolls would be awesome too. Maybe even giant wolves or smaller dragons. And they could come in different colors. (I really want a white elk.)

And their stamina could be different, like horses would be able to run for longer than deer, and maybe deer for longer than bears or something. Whatever seems more realistic.

I don't know if one should be able to find them in the wild and capture them somehow, call them as a Power, or just buy them at the stables. Whatever works. I think it could be pretty popular.

I know mounts are important at the beginning of a new game, having to ride to all the destinations instead of fast traveling. But horses honestly just get boring.


New mounts. That's my idea.

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