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Default timescale is 20.


Other than setting it as an ini tweak with wrye bash, or using the in-game command, I'm not sure how else you could set it. There may be a way via mod, in creation kit > settings, but I haven't messed with it. Use caution, though, as I've seen a lot of back and forth about how low it is safe to set timescale. Here's UESP's take on it (scroll down to untargeted commands for timescale) http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console ... but I have seen differing opinions on that.


If you use wrye bash, when you build/rebuild the patch, you can select from a list of ini tweaks. Timescale is among them. That would suggest there's probably a line you could add to either Skyrim.ini or SkyrimPrefs.ini, but I don't know how it would be worded. There is a list floating around, by the STEP project folks, for Skyrim SE tweaks.

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