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Tried everything, nothing works, sadly.


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Hey guys, know you hear this a bunch (I am sure you want to throw me and my entire computer setup out the window with me saying this, I know) but I have searched high and low for anything, something, that will get my mods to work.

I changed my INI.
I verified the integrity of the game.

I tried something simplistic and easy on the NMM such as a Katana mod requiring no other mod dependencies.

I got an older version of NMM.


Now to be more specific ( and more or less stop beating around the bush, out of respect for you who will help me) the problem is that the game recognises the mods are there. Brilliant, that much we know is working.

The problem lies in that the mods will not texture or res in, meaning I am stuck with a very invisible katana and a very sad look on my face.

Any help would be ever so appreciated,



PS yes I have run the game through NMM, same thing, sadly.



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Ditch NMM and learn how to manually copy the mod files to your data folders and activate the mod using the game's built-in mod menu.


For example, the esp file should be placed in C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data


If there are subfolders such as Meshes, Textures, Sound, Interface etc etc, make sure to also copy each folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data and merge them with the existing subfolders.


Finally, start the game, go to the MODS menu and press T to open the load order menu. Find your mod in the list and make sure it is ticked. Hit ESC to get back to the main menu then load your save.

Edited by steve40
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Manual is certainly a guaranteed method of making mods work, assuming you installed them correctly. But if you don't want that hassle you can also switch to Mod Organizer 2 which has recently gotten a new lead developer and is being supported again. It's still a little buggy but generally works quite well for simple install/uninstall stuff. The buggiest part is using other applications with it and I think that's now being worked on.


Mod Organizer 2 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194

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Manual is certainly a guaranteed method of making mods work, assuming you installed them correctly. But if you don't want that hassle you can also switch to Mod Organizer 2 which has recently gotten a new lead developer and is being supported again. It's still a little buggy but generally works quite well for simple install/uninstall stuff. The buggiest part is using other applications with it and I think that's now being worked on.


Mod Organizer 2 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6194

I tried, still nothing.

Maybe because my folder is read only or something? I dunno.

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So, if all else has failed, and I'm sure, if you're as new to this as I am, that you're skeptical about manually installing mods. I would suggest COMPLETELY uninstalling Fallout, and everything else (mod managers, loot, anything like that you have installed), go to their respective AppData folders (easily googled if you don't know how) and delete any indications of them. Clean your trash bin, restart your computer, and try this tutorial (link below), and follow everything down to the installing actual mods section. You can try his mod setup, if you want , I actually used it as a bit of a template for how to install stuff, and it will teach you some valuable info about using Mod Organizer effectively. Just be aware that a lot of his setup is old, patches too (some of the mods on his list are actually abandoned and/or not even accessible on the Nexus anymore), and it may not be a successful endeavor. That said, the initial tutorial is priceless...




and here's a link to the newest Mod Organizer, DON'T use NMM right now, it's extremely buggy. (same as link in the comment above)...




Hope this helps.

Edited by Malachai6669
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