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A mod that adjusts settlement construction control and capability.


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If this mod exists please share it with me.


there are a few mods I've been using, that allow me to place objects anywhere I wish, and even remove limits along with increasing my build limits. A few mods have even added in some items for me, only issue is, the items that are brought up are to large and difficult to place at the default camera distance, a few vanilla pre-fabs, also annoy me with how I cant see the whole front of the building sometimes.


What im looking for is simply a mod that increases the distance I may move a selected object or item when building a settlement, if possible I would also like to see one that lets me rotate objects in directions that the vanilla doesn't, perfect option for mods that let me place anywhere I choose.

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You search for the following one:



With this mod you can practically place anything anywhere in any fashion you like, rotate items, shrink, enlarge...

Also you will be able to place larger structs more to your liking with a little workaround: place the struct anywhere/in the air go a bit further away and grab it again when it is highlighted as you can grab items on any point when highlighted.

Not exactly what you are really looking for, but at least the functionality is with the Workaround available.

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Sure, but with PE you can place the bigger structs (for example helipad or big prefabs of SSEX/HM) anywhere, go further away and pick it up again from the farthest point possible.

This would be only a workaround as, as you said, no known mod exists or maybe not possible to be done in the end.


PE is also what he wants regarding the first part of his request.

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