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Allow the Railroad to occupy (reclaim) the Switchboard


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I found it weird that the Railroad didn't provide a quest to reclaim the Switchboard after defeating the Institute and the Brotherhood. The Switchboard was the old HQ of the Railroad, wouldn't their next step be to reclaim it? Add an NPC to the railroad HQ telling the main character that, due to the elimination of the rival factions, and the increase in moral and initiates due to the recent conquests, the railroad is now able to reclaim the Switchboard (yay!). You would then have to lead a team of heavies (and any named NPCs you, the modder, think should come too *keep one or two named NPCs in Railroad HQ so it can retain some level of importance**) to the Switchboard and clear it of and remaining hostile synths. Once that is completed, there would be a quick 'quest' to restore power to the Switchboard. Mayhaps, if one were to take the mod further, there could be new NPCs that stay in the Switchboard that provide either a little dialogue or radiant quests for the player character. A great idea would be to add a scientist NPC that, after given a substantial amount of caps, can give you augments; this would do nothing aesthetically, but give the player the cyborg perk, which is already found in the game's data (ID: 0004D86C). Since the Switchboard is so large, a section could be considered a home/settlement for the player character. You could also incorporate the Chinese stealth Suit mod into this mod (given permission), as the only logical place one would be able to find it would be the Yangtze or the Switchboard. As for a weapon, It would be cool to see my personal favorite fallout 3 weapon, the Lincoln Repeater, to have found its way to the Switchboard or in the hands of the Railroad (seeing Lincolns stance on slavery i think it would fit the RR's "theme").


I would love to see a mod like this, and if it were to be made by a person or people who have the know-it-all to give it justice, i think it would be a must-have mod for anyone who chooses the RailRoad.

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