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Different animation sets for different characters.. Is it possible?


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Hello, people. Thanks for taking the time. I have a question which I'm not sure has been answered before but I have been searching around the internet and not found any mods which do this.


My question is: are there any mods or programs which are able to incorporate different (combat and movement) animation sets for different characters in Skyrim?


For example:


Giving unskilled fighters and townspeople / young people animations like this...




Giving bandits and moderately tough people (warriors but not necessarily experts) animation sets like this...




And finally giving evil badass characters or expert fighters the default combat and movement stances.


This would require having different sets of animations for different sets of characters... is this possible? If so, how? Do any mods do this in any way currently? I really appreciate any help.


This seems like an idea that would greatly boost immersion and NPC personalities but I don't think I have seen it discussed before.



Edited by itsbooby
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