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[LE] Papyrus OnEffectStart and Quest Alias question


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Masterofnet this person is right here... Not sure why you find it hard to help me as I did exactly what was posted. I followed every single step provided.
You state "The person does not need a new script. They are not even returning a referencealias. They need to get a better understanding of what they are doing."

That us why I came here for help ??

You say you do not talk down to me yet you said this early on "
With all do respect you are acting like you have never even seen the kit before. Your first script was something a 5 year old would have come up with. "
You then state "
To be honest I am a bit disappointed in the way you continue to waste the time of people who have come here to help you"
You also state "
I never talk down to anyone. I do confront people with their behavior and in this case I have been 100% correct about yours. " read the above again and again...

I have said nothing about you or to bring such an attitude, I was looking for help with a quest.

I am not sure what your role on Nexus is but I do thank Redragon and Cdcooley for their unbiased assistance.

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I am not sure what your role on Nexus is but I do thank Redragon and Cdcooley for their unbiased assistance.


I have no role on the Nexus and I will never be as witty, charming and helpful as Redragon and Cooley. It was not even fair for you to compare me to them.


I did not mean any offense when I refereed to you as "this person". I only meant the person who started the thread and I was just letting CdCooley know there may be more to this than you attempting to use SleepQuest.GetAlias(I) 0-5 when your aliases are in the 40s and 50s.


Please do not give up on your quest and do take the advice I attempted to give you.

Edited by Masterofnet
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I have written 7 or 8 mods over the years, dating back to morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 4. I have successfully done Companion Quests and Various or Alias setups.

In all that time I never had an issue. This is the first time I have seen an ID issue and maybe its because I made several edits to the quest where in the the past I built the quest

and was done. However thanks for pointing out the ID's to me cdcooley I want to thank you very much.

ReDragon2013 Thanks for the scripts I never played with arrays and found this script a great tutor to how I can make use of the Aliases in other ways as well.

Masterofnet Your input in scripts and testing was as Valuable.

My Quest is runing and the actors seem to do what I am looking for.

Edited by silhouett
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maybe its because I made several edits to the quest where in the the past I built the quest

and was done.

Yes, that would be the difference. The first time I ran into that problem it took a very long time to find it since that ID column is collapsed by default. I also had no idea that the alias id numbers behaved that way.


My Quest is runing and the actors seem to do what I am looking for.


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