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Summon exact via Soul Capture


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Simple in concept: Kill an NPC, animal, spirit, or any character with a specific ID and then, through a spell or a process, that exact character can be temporarily summoned as a thrall like a Familiar, Atronach, or undead summon.


I imagine the logic of the mod would be something along the lines of


NPC dies and if Soul Trap triggers > NPC RefID (and soul gem RefID?) is stored

Player triggers spell > timer set > RefID is recalled > player.placeatme clones NPC > NPC is made friendly, removed from all factions, and made a follower/thrall/whatever summons are technically

Timer runs out > flair> NPC reverts to Soul Gem or is disabled


How far-fetched is this? It seems pretty simple in concept, with the one big catch being how mods and the mod loadout can mess with the first two characters of a RefID. Right?


Again, by NPC I mean any actor that isn't the Player Character.



Tier-two idea could include the blue, hazy aesthetic/texture that is applied to ghosts and familiars being applied to the captured/sumoned NPC; maybe the soul gem would be re-named after the trapped NPC ("Bandit's Soul" "Rabbit's Soul" "Soul of the Pale Lady" "Nazeem's Petulant Little Soul Which Shall Never See His Beloved Cloud District Again".)



Edited by ForWashuu
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