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Making OBGE work with ENB


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so according to the OBGE Reloaded page, it's supposed to work with ENBs (though I am also aware the modders don't officially support ENBs), and many other players report that they use an ENB and OBGE Reloaded. I try doing the same, but somehow OBGE just... "overwrites" any ENB I get or something.

Here's a screenshot of my ENB before getting OBGE Reloaded: http://imgur.com/a/UCTYD

Here's a screenshot of my ENB after getting OBGER: http://imgur.com/a/UCTYD
Here's a screenshot when I turn my ENB off with OBGER: http://imgur.com/a/UCTYD


I've tried switching around the ENB I use, so A Tweaked ENB, Cinematic Chic ENB, and a custom ENB.


So, my question is, can anyone give me some advice? Can anyone tell me the secrets of how other people do it?



Thank you in advance!

Edited by Hondur
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Disable OR's HDR (in oblivionreloaded.ini) and verify if you have busewaterdisplacements=0 in your oblivion.ini file.


Also keep in mind that ENB does not work with ENBoost, causing a potential return of the crashes you solved in your previous thread if you install it instead of ENBoost. ENB graphics makes the game less stable by using more RAM than without it (and even more if you have big mods like BC and UL).

Edited by bevilex
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Thank you for your response, I'll try out your solution soon.

However, regarding ENBoost and ENB, I did actually have both running. I was using A Tweaked ENB. The ENBoost file didn't overwrite anything. The ENBoost only has one file, enblocal.ini, which my ENBs don't have.


Also, I noticed I linked to a gallery three times, when I thought I was linking to single images, so sorry about that! :P

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Yes there is no overwrite, but ENB and ENBoost use different version of the d3d9.dll file (v181 for ENB, v195 or newer for ENBoost). (see the enbdev website).

It would be awesome if they work together, but to my knowledge it is not possible to have them both running.


You can check by yourself if enboost is working by opening ingame your task manager and seeing if there is an "ENBhost" ressource running.

Edited by bevilex
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again,

so it's been a while, sorry about that!


Turning off the HDR in one of the OBGER ini and the bUseWaterDisplacements solved it! There's only one tiny issue - having OBGER enabled makes everything darker. I will upload screenshots as soon as I have access to them! :)

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