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NPC stuck with neither "vanilla" nor "modded" outfit


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I started changing the outfits of some of the NPC's in Windhelm so that their clothing seemed more reasonable to their climate, but for some reason there's one npc that isn't affected by the mod. At first when I tested it it worked for him but after I started a new game he apeared wearing a full suit of leather armor(including helmet). That's neither the outfit he used without being modded nor the outfit I added for him. I'm using TES5Edit to acomplish this and when I looked him up in there only my mod was affecting him. I tried deleting him from the mod and adding him again, delete his outfit so that he might appear with the vanilla one but nothing works. It's not extremely important but I'd like to sort this out. The character is "Kjar" a sailor in Windhelm. He's usualy at the docks inside his ship. Anyone got some advice?

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