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Tattoo mod not working?


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I wanted to make my character unique, so I downloaded this mod along with Unique Player and Unique Player Bods. However upon loading ingame, half of my body is white while the other is tanned. As well as the nipples are on random spots of the body. I've manually installed at least 6x now, TRIPLE confirming the files are in the Unique Players folder, but it doesn't work. Now I can't fix my body and every time I try to, it doesn't work and I just up infuriated. The mod in question is:
My mod list:

0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm
9 9 junkmaster-complete.esp
10 a btinteriors_project.esp
11 b 3dnpc_fo4.esp
12 c 9mmpistol.esp
13 d liberty_pa.esp
14 e glowing eyes.esp
15 f power armor quick enter and exit.esp
16 10 KSHairdos.esp
17 11 GITS_suit_by_OniNigma.esp
18 12 SuitDreams(1.Very Light).esp
19 13 SuitDreams(2. Light).esp
20 14 SuitDreams(3.Average).esp
21 15 SuitDreams(4.Heavy).esp
22 16 SuitDreams(5.Very Heavy).esp
23 17 DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp
24 18 Zipsuit.esp
25 19 Armorsmith Extended.esp
26 1a HN66-SiriusArmor.esp
27 1b Spartan-Calyps-NoAE.esp
28 1c KaBarBeckerBK9.esp
29 1d FemsheppingsLightBrawlerOutfits.esp
30 1e HN66Fo4_Rings.esp
31 1f MonnoBikini.esp
32 20 HN66Fo4_EasyGirl_BS.esp
33 21 Survivalist.esp
34 22 WMJumpSuit.esp
35 23 rpampas.esp
36 24 DavesPoses.esp
37 25 TheKite_CaitSet.esp
38 26 TheKite_ScoopDigger.esp
39 27 the_prydwen_overhaul.esp
40 28 MojaveImports.esp
41 29 AA FusionCityRising.esp
42 2a 45autopistol.esp
43 2b Skibs-IF88Redux.esp
44 2c Skibs-IF54Redux.esp
45 2d Skibs-223PistolRedux.esp
46 2e MGSOutfit.esp
47 2f AutoUnequipPipboy.esp
48 30 Toxic Raider Armour.esp
49 31 Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp
50 32 Realistic Death Physics.esp
51 33 DeadBodyCollision.esp
52 34 MergedPatchRaiderClothes5.esp
53 35 RaiderOverhaul.esp
54 36 modern firearms.esp
55 37 wrvr.esp
56 38 MP153.esp
57 39 improvedbos.esp
58 3a infiltrator.esp
59 3b AK74M.esp
60 3c WastelandFashion.esp
61 3d Wasteland Fashion Armorsmith Patch.esp
62 3e WastelandFashionAccessories.esp
63 3f DX_Rogue_Prototype.esp
64 40 AK74M_AWKCR.esp
65 41 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp
66 42 davidhunter.esp
67 43 Eli_Rockin Red Rocket.esp
68 44 Vivid Waters.esp
69 45 Mercenary.esp
70 46 Wastelanders XM2076 by giggity12345.esp
71 47 TheKite_VTS.esp
72 48 ellen.esp
73 49 ApalLeotard.esp
74 4a WestTekTacticalOptics.esp
75 4b WestTekTacticalOptics-AWKCR.esp
76 4c companion infinite ammo.esp
77 4d DA Harness.esp
78 4e jm-vaulttecsecurityarmor.esp
79 4f cheatterminal.esp
80 50 mergedpatch01.esp
81 51 Crossbow.esp
82 52 Eli_AlecusRogueHD.esp
83 53 THBrows.esp
84 54 ClassicSniper.esp
85 55 Rangergearnew.esp
86 56 DX_Black_Widow.esp
87 57 wm chinese assault rifle - standalone.esp
88 58 OWR_CJRS.esp
89 59 OWR_OWT.esp
90 5a MidWest PA.esp
91 5b ClassicSniperSounds.esp
92 5c VisibleWeapons.esp
93 5d ChineseStealthSuit.esp
94 5e Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp
95 5f Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp
96 60 Vivid Weathers - Natural Bright.esp
97 61 Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp
98 62 UniquePlayer.esp
99 63 CBBE.esp
100 64 SkyrimConversions.esp
101 65 Unique Female NPC Bodies.esp
102 66 DCGuardOutfitOverride.esp
103 67 zWInsanity.esp
104 68 Skibs-WHMk22Redux.esp
105 69 Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp
106 6a MergedPatchClothes3.esp
107 6b BazoongasWorkShop.esp
108 6c BZW_Wayfaring_Stranger.esp
109 6d Armorsmith L0rdOfWar.esp
110 6e dracos detachable legendary's dlc version.esp
111 6f scrappable legendaries.esp
112 70 Splinterz.esp
113 71 Raider Overhaul - AE Patch.esp
114 72 LooksMenu.esp
115 73 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
116 74 dD - Screen Blood Duration Long.esp
117 75 The Rebel - Faction Patriot.esp
118 76 mergedpatch02.esp


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It's possible that tattoo is not for CBBE bodies. I didn't see anything on the mod page that says one way or another.

My goodness. I can't believe I potentially overlooked that. I'm going to try to find another tattoo skin and I'll see if that works.


Edit: It does. I thank you kindly, my good man. I'd of been going at this for days.

Edited by Roondog
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After having applied the tattoo to your body, have you saved in the proper way (i.e. hold



It's possible that tattoo is not for CBBE bodies. I didn't see anything on the mod page that says one way or another.

...()...I thank you kindly, my good man...()...


It's my good lady ;)

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