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Complete Settlement overhaul (settlement purpose)


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PART 1 (Freindly Faction changes)


My initial idea for this mod was to bring back some of the true RPG elements of fallout, with a less run and gun feel while keeping it relevant. My biggest target is pointless violence. Example, Why do the Gunner's waste ammunition of one guy who does not make them any money. Them being mercenaries for hire. Also the quest possibilities for this faction are insane to just to think of locations and characters the Gunner's have.


All Gunner City/Bases

And the Characters

Now Imagine the amounts of content this adds for Modders to mess with. Obviously you won't be able to just walk into any Gunner strong hold. It just offers the ability to capture settlements in the name of the Gunners...


Part 2 (Joinable conquest Factions)


Capture settlement's in the name of many Factions for that Factions leader, with many factions having the ability of you rising through the ranks to become the commanding leader.


Friendly join-able Factions


  • The Brotherhood of steel ( opens conquest missions based on tech sites or sites that produce things the brotherhood need)
  • The Minutemen (Work how they originally designed with minor tweaks. Not as weak as they start in the base game, have captured sanctuary. Need help defending it against attack when you come upon them.)
  • The Gunner's ( Opens up Gunner's Rise quest line in the commonwealth more details later)â
  • â
  • The RailRoad (Opens up Railroad Resettlement)
  • Hancock & His Triggermen (Detail later)
  • The Institute (Not friendly until end game. More detail later)

Always Enemy Factions (But can still setup trade)


  • Tommy & His Triggermen

Always Enemy Factions

  • Raiders (Attack and capture settlements with low population and high resource output)
  • Super Mutants (Attack and capture settlements with high population and low defence ratings)
  • Children of Atom (Attack and capture settlements with low population and high radiation value)
  • Rust Devils (Attack settlements with high population of robot settlers)
  • Forged (Attack and capture settlements near factories and with power armor stations)

Commwealth Mutants (Attack any settlements with the intent of killing all population automatically un-claiming it for that faction owner.)


Now you ask why for all these people.


Part 3 (Settlement specific Resources)


- settlement locations are added and improved. They will all have a specific resource critical for survival, expansion.
Examples, scrap, weapon production, metal( aluminum, steel) This will work in the form of scav tables worked by settlers. Build only 3 per settlement. Offers hundreds of items per day per station. This will work with conquest mod to adding based on surrounding area a item to be harvested.

Now your saying but dude that's to op and will ruin the game. Now wait.


Part 4 (War)

- settlements that have stock piles of resources will be raided by enemy and Waring factions for their booty and can even capture the settlements completely. Taking over production and construct their own style of buildings(not Destroying yours) example super mutant hordes will build spikes and gut bags for all the new dead settlers they've killed. Conquesting factions will run rampant across the common wealth. Warring for reasources of for the sake of war (super mutants). Alliances will be forged money and reasources will change hands if wars are going one way for a faction. The commonwealth population (random spawns) will reflect current powerful enemies and allies. Be as evil and coniving as you wish. Or try to bring the commonwealth together. But remember not all people will ever get along.

Epic tower defence like seiges with many new seiges equipments and fortifications.
- mini nuke artillery (single + mirv + emp)
- concret bunkers
- manned machine gun emplacements
- Tanks... Prolly not

Unique faction npc commanders to barter with. Trading reasources, weapons, men, settlements.

Peaceful & aggeresive tactics.

Large scale settlement warfare. 50v50

Generated enemy fortifications.

Who wants to see this mod?
What would you add to this concept?
I really sick of seeing people just say hey make me a cool automatic rifle. I'm bored with the mods coming out of the workshop these days.

Edited by Spartanfox01
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a sugestion for this is that each settlement gives a certain type of resource in the style of FOBs from The Phantom Pain.

I haven't played that game but I love the idea. Each faction would need a mother base in this case. Maybe even minor factions would have one and would roam trying to aquire one. (super mutants) I really like this though thany you.

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I like the idea of having different locations scavenging different materials, instead of just out of a random pool of all junk items. Maybe you could add a specific scavenging station under special that is specific and unique to each settlement. The main item it would harvest would depend on the surrounding POI's, that you would have to have cleared for it to be efficient. Currently settlement gameplay is just WAY too easy.

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