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Frequent Crashes with Mod Organizer


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Hey guys!


I'm pretty new to playing modded skyrim, and use ModOrganizer for all of my modding, but lately I've been having a lot of crashes. I have a lot of mods installed, but can't narrow down where the problem actually is. I've tried:


-Sorting with TES5Edit

-Crash Fixes logging (Can't get any sort of exported log)

-Papyrus Crash Logging (Can't get any exported logs)


My isssue initially got bad when I tried to remove Ultimate Follower Tweaks, but I've since reverted my save file to before I had tried to remove it, so that *shouldn't* be causing the problem.


My issue with crash logs is that either I'm looking in the wrong place or Skyrim isn't putting out the logs. Crash Fixes isn't saying anything other than the memory extension warning for enBoost, and I've set papyrus to enable logging, but it doesn't export a crash log! I'd love any help anyone can offer. Thanks!

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Is your game crashing to desktop or are you saying the Mod Organizer tool itself is crashing?


Sounds like you mean your game is crashing to desktop.


Crash fixes crash log will be put into the overwrite folder.


Papyrus logs arent crash logs....they show scripting errrors. dont bother with that.


If you want help you will need to post your load order.


In meantime read through this.......its the crash bible for skyrim. The two most common causes of ctds are memory issues and or plugin conflicts.



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Game is crashing, not MO, yeah


Ok so where is the overwrite folder found? I have issues finding where everything is supposed to go because on the nexus it says the files should be in "data/skse/" but my skse folder doesn't have any of the files it's supposed to. Im just super lost with everything x.x


I was able to get it semi stable ( part of the problem was an error with a werewolf transition, it got botched and had my first person view all messed up, but I transformed again and it fixed itself) but I still have issues with things like campfire being super slow and the ever present CTD.


Thank you so much for literally any help.

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make sure you read through that link i posted.




I personally drag and drop all folders that MO puts into overwrite into the same mod i create from sky proc patchers and FNIS.


If you look at my mod list in my sig you will see at bottom a mod called YASHed profile thats a mod created fromm overwrite and it contains FNIS, dual sheath redux, and all skse generated logs. Thats what i suggest you do as well. Name it same name as your profile so that in case you have multiple profiles everything is seperated.


The link above explains how the overwrite folder works in MO.

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Thank you all so much for helping with this!


It's really nice to be able to be able to get help and advice rather than just shoot away blindly in the dark and *hope* you find the right help tools. Thanks Twizted for the tutorial on Dual Sheaths, too! Hopefully I can get that set up and squared away tonight so that it will actually work!. Thank you snelss0 for that lovely video series. Hopefully that helps answer the other questions I was having about the program and help make my save games a bit more stable.


As of right now, things seem to be working pretty solidly, minus the slowdowns in campfire, etc (which should hopefully be fixed by the video), and i've isolated a lot of my crashing to Tera Armors working with a follower mod (which I was kind of expecting)

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First off, I'm so sorry. Apparently my skyrim life is a hot mess right now.


I've gotten DSR installed and it works, but now Skyrim crashes every time I enter the Tamriel World space and on save. I have the crash file from Crash Fixes now, but it's all code that I don't know how to read.


Here's the crash info:

2017_02_14_15-45-58 - 769F13C8: V(1); EAX(4059C01B); EBX(769F1484); ECX(F51EE0); EDX(4059C01C); ESI(4059C01B); EDI(F51EE0); EBP(EBAECEA8); ESP(18ED70); STACK(A50A5B F51EE0 F51EE8 A50D67 F51EDC C409F1 C32290 C3068F C55869 C56029 C4C5DD C4CF9A 401739 8D379A 8D5006 8D5034 7B0C25 6872E0 67C387 7B0C25 67D2C2 679539 7B0B4D 10076BC);

Edited by seatreader
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