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How to change what clothing items are scrapped to?


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Light outfits and underarmor can be scrapped to 1 piece of cloth, except stuff like harness and raider leathers, from which I can get 1 unit of leather. But I know it from dropping and scrapping these items in workshop mode (so I have to run the game and find those clothes). I can't find it in the Creation Kit nor Fo4Edit. In CK clothes are under Items/Armor, the item dialog looks like this, but I can't find scrapping options. I can change only junk item components. Under Items/MiscItem I found the Silver Shroud costume, but it was the only one outfit. And what about the rest? Must be somewhere. Please, anyone.

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Can`t be sure about all items, but many armor parts have scrap recipes. They are added to a formlist and there is a scrap recipe for the formlist. Scrap Recipe = COBJ file.

To find these formlists you can type in the CK :


To find the scrap recipe right click any formlist and select "use info". Then double click the file in the popped up window to open the COBJ file.

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Oh, Formlist: modScrapRecipe_Null and Constructible Object: mod_Null_Melee_ScrapRecipe - that was exactly what I was looking for!


Now I can make leather coat actually scrap to leather. I tried to create a new scrap recipe: rubber, but for some reason it won't work. And if I drag one item to more than one list, like cloth and leather, it still breaks down to only one component.


Thanks, you helped a lot :smile:

Edited by MeetTheFuture
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