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Unarmed weapons in power armor in version 1.9.4+?


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So I've been using this mod Power-Armor Compatible Powerfists http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2913/? which allowed using unarmed weapons while in power armor up until the 1.9.4 update when it stopped working completely.


The mod I used seemed to change only two things that I could see:


'KWDA - Keywords' for 'Unarmedpowerarmor' includes a few more 'AnimsX', where X is for each unarmed weapon to be made compatible, e.g., AnimsPowerfist, AnimsDeathClawGauntlet, etc.


And 'AnimationType' is changed from 'HandtoHandMelee' to 'OneHandSword' for each unarmed weapon.


I tried replicating the above using Creation Kit, but no dice. I would greatly appreciate any help in getting unarmed weapons to work with power armor again. Thanks.

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