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MOD request - trade NPC " take the hand " or carry


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I search a lot of mods but no found a one special action.

In cases for escape of power enemys don't have and inmersive action to run with you follower. You can use the teleport follower... but is not inmersive

Same case is you follower or other NPC is unconscious in the floor... same case... teleport... or put you follower in the inventory and reduce you carryweight (no exist this semi inmersive mod) or this mod (NPC Knockout Overhaul http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52681/? )

Same case if the follower dont swim... teleport

Ride in the same horse... clone the horse or use other for the follower... or teleport

With imagination all have solution but inmersive... in the future creative or other games



* MOD request:

Is posible the real function of trade NPC " take the hand "?... or only force short distance and cut other actions ? or force carry in the inventory with a special weight ?


Specialy to force with a key:

example force to follow in this possition and distance with press X or other key (only if the follower is near)

(example take hands Artificial Girl 3: min 1:55)


Thanks all modders for edit the game more fun and alive

Edited by milanlrc
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