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Adding Weapon Attachments to Leveled Lists

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So, I know how to just add a weapon to LL's (with the Geck anyway), but I haven't created a whole new weapon, just new attachments for an existing one. I can't figure out how to make those new parts available 'in the wild' as it were. When I dig into the leveled lists all I can find are the weapon itself and LLs with various keywords attached, like if_tmp_Rifle_SemiAuto or if_tmp_Shotgun_Rifle_SemiAuto. I assume it has something to do with those keywords, but no idea what.


Any experts out there that know how it works? Should I use FO4Edit instead?


Edit: Well, I discovered the modcol files and added the new parts to the appropriate ones, but the new parts still don't seem to be showing up in game. And, for reference, this is for the Institute lasers, I have the parts working just fine in the workbench, I just want the Synths to be able to spawn with the new attachments on their weapons.


Edit 2: Figured it out. If anyone stumbles across this with the same issue let me know.

Edited by jkruse05
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