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Component Display values in Misc Items? (CDIX)


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Could someone please explain what those entries do?

They are marked in FO4Edit as the last thing in each misc item, most times they are blank, but sometimes they have numbers from 0 to 4 (sometimes with doubled entries with the same integer so I dont think they are sorting anything)
And I have some mods that alter those values, and while trying to sort out compatibilities (attached image), I couldn't find explanation anywhere (tried the ck wiki and here) about those entries "CDIX", and some different mods use different values, so I'd like to understand them before making decisions.


Screenshot under spoiler - I'm referring to the very last entries in that (don't mind the overrides happening, I'm fixing them. The thing I'm curious about are those CDIX.)





At first I thought it could be related to DEF_UI changes, but doesnt seem that way since some items have those numbers even in fallout4.esm (but most do not, having blank or zeroes in both vanilla esm and sorting item entries that use def_ui)

Seeing those same items via CK didn't help much in figuring things out, the only noticeable detail would be that blank entries in FO4Edit are simply zeroes in CK, and they are always aligned with components, but not as the same numbers (most times zeroes) and whenever not-zeroes, i couldn't make sense of what they mean for the item or how they related with their scrapping components.

The two noticeable cases I found were Desk Fan and Extinguisher. I thought it could be some entry related to the "destructibility" of the extinguisher, but since that is not a thing for the desk fan, probably not related to that.


Anyway if someone could explain what they are/what they do/should I change them if changing components... it would all be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Edited by Ivarov
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Thanks! Well I thought it would be something like that too at first, but then in the shown example we have in vanilla entries index #0 as 3, #1 as 1 and #2 as 3 again, and that out of order use of repeating numbers that do not correspond to the amount of scrapable components had me thoroughly confused. That and english as second language didn't help either. Index represents an 'order/disposition of things' but then as I didnt find a pattern in those values I was like 'wait... what?' xD

Well any way if it is not consequential do the other functions of the item I'll leave them all as vanilla.

Thanks again :)

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