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Refit the Minutemen in Brotherhood of Steel appearal


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So I was wondering if there's a mod out there that can refit the minutemen into the brotherhood of steel attire? I'm a big BoS fan, but I like to support the minutemen to get them back on their feet, but then I like to think outside the box that once the Prydwn leave's the commonwealth, they'll need someone to watch over the commonwealth. What better way than to I guess fold the Minutemen militia into the BoS.


Now i'm not looking for anything serious, just a BoS reclothing mod for the minutemen npcs.


If there is such mod, please let me know if not, than I hope I gave someone the idea to try... I'm not really a modding expert so I can't say how it works.


Oh and here's an extra idea, after we find a way to refit the Minutemen into brotherhood clothes, we should give the Castle a Brotherhood of Steel look.


PS Sorry for misspelling "apparel" in the title.

Edited by DrArchangel626
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You could play around in Outfit Studio and swap the MM outfits for BoS..I seriously doubt that the BoS would retrofit an Auxilliriary force with top of the line Power-Armor.. but you could play around with the MM outfits so they at least look better armored.. again then you could fiddle the knobs in FOedit and actually make the stats reflect the new outfits..there´s a lot of retexture mods i´m sure you can find an MM retex that would fit nicely ;-)

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