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New Settlement: Unscrapable Objects


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I'm working on making The Castle Tunnels an interior settlement like Home Plate is, but I've run into an issue with certain objects not being scrappable.


I'm new to modding, so I might have missed something obvious but I can't see it. I followed this tutorial - https://community.bethesda.net/thread/11633?start=0&tstart=0 - to create a functioning workshop in the interior and went through the script to ensure a player couldn't use the workshop without first beating Sarge (that was pretty much default).


How can I allow these objects to be scrapped in workshop mode? You can find screencaps to show what I mean and the .esp here - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a55a99otgzrad6c/AADq9wr5PhMVcFs0LLiAswixa?dl=0.

Edited by GhostbustThat
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A lot of worldspace objects are combined for performance optimization reasons. Often when dealing with a modded, non-vanilla settlement, that's why some otherwise normal objects can't be scrapped. They're actually just scenery and not objects at all.

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