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Removing DialogueFollower Topics From Folower.


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Hello all, I recently was able to solve some issues with a custom voiced follower I've been working on. However after making custom topics in my own quest line to control follower functions (i.e. "I Need To


Trade Some Things With You.") I deleted the entries I previously had in the 'DialogueFollower' quest, which I originally used (I for some reason could not get the custom voice files to play in 'DialogueFollower'


even though they were all conditioned correctly, placed in the correct paths for playback, and had the correct script fragments for functionality.) So after adding the SAME options in MY quest I made to control


my followers ect... dialogue lines, whenever I speak to her ALL the lines work and their functions, but the old topics still remain, even though I deleted the entries. I'm not sure what I did, or if, once adding


entries in the vanilla quest branch topics, they are like... permanently options for my actor? If anyone has an idea of why I'm experiencing this issue I would greatly appreciate your help.


(Additional Information Worth Considering)


1. I have my followers voicetype added to several "DefaultNPCVoiceType/GenericFavor" formlists.


2. I have not regenerated a new SEQ file since removing the 'previous entries', I will test that now.


3. I wanted to have my follower function under the vanilla follower framework, as to make it compatible for a wider array of users, including those who may not be well knowledgeable using follower mods and


the like, but I couldn't get many of the 'DialogueFollower' topics to work right, I'm going to try a different approach right now to see if I have some success, but will save my old .esp so I can work off that for any


who wish to assist (for the purpose of working off that platform).


4. If you're first inclination is to send me a link of one of the several typical YouTube tutorials then please don't bother. But if you know of one that's less viewed that's more comprehensive then by all means.


Thank you for your time.

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