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Request: Snoop Dogg companion?


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I had such a brilliant idea to bring Snoop Dogg to life in Fallout 4, and if I were familiar with modding I would totally be all over this.

I can imagine you could find a good amount of voice work from Snoop Dogg, I know he did a voice pack for COD Ghosts, and probably has a lot of interview clips you could pull audio from.

Seriously, somebody please make a Snoop Dogg looks preset, make some voice files for him, and make him into a companion.

You could probably go as far as contacting the man himself, and asking him if he would do a few voice lines. He's not new to the idea.

The lines you could come up with just using his interviews or random talking clips could be totally priceless is used correctly.

If any of the cannabis mods out there want to collaborate, you can totally smoke down with virtual Snoop Dogg, like come on. There's the endorsements right there.

Maybe he can even sell you some of his mix-holo-tapes, which are some old school tracks.

Ideas? Yes, no?

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Um, unless you obtained permission from Snoop, the mod would only be good for private use. The moment you uploaded it, it would most likely be taken down or deleted by staff for unauthorized use. The Nexus TOS is very clear about this sort of thing.



The posting of any copyrighted material, unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material, is strictly prohibited on any Nexus site. This includes linking to sites that contain copyrighted material used without permission of the copyright holder. Legal inquiries regarding copyright infringement are taken very seriously on Nexus sites and we will work with any legal body to identify and bring to justice anyone who might use a Nexus site to share copyrighted material.


So using his likeness, voice, sound files, is a NO go.

Edited by gromulos
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Unless you actually contact him and is okay with helping you do original voice work, using sound assets or clips from his songs, videos, and games wouldn't be allowed here unless you have permission from the parent companies they are recorded from.


In short, you may not upload mods on Nexus Mods with sound clips from his music, videos, or works in other mediums like games without his permission and the permission from the company that hold the rights to them.


If you can get in contact with and convince him to do original voice work for you, that's a different situation, provided that you are able to bring up the proof that he had given you expressed permission to record him for your mod.

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yes, the network or even the show for the interview host would still hold a copyright. This would also apply to radio broadcasts ( radio stations ) newspapers, and so on


The only way you could legally bypass all that is to contact Snoop directly and get him to agree to it, for public use anyway. For personal use, as long as it is never uploaded any where, you could do as you want.


Here's an example below:


I go on the Tonight show and all I do is talk about stamp collecting

you use my voice and words to make a follower and publicly upload it

you could then be sued by me, the Tonight Show, and NBC

Edited by gromulos
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