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[WIP] Driveable Things - Coming Eventually. =)


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Anyone wanna test a very early version of the drivables? =)

...and hopefully someone can provide insights into the current bugs or workings? ;-)

(I'll send it through PM)


Some feedback on the progress would be good to find out if this is worth continuing or not *right now* (as I'm interested on this concept, for sure, but I've kinda put everything else on hold during it).


Current bugs I'm on are:

-On entry, you have to manually adjust the front/back tilt before switching to 3rd person (it then stays corrected until next full reentry). I'm actually okay with this myself, but I know it won't go over well with users.

-APC and Tank are only controllable at a distance (I don't know the exact distance, but keep scrolling back and it'll eventually work). Again, kinda okay with this, but users...will most likely not be.

-The drivables can be directed off a cliff or other long drop, thus becoming useless as they've then crippled a limb. Point is, having trouble fully turning off crippling effects/response (or limb damage as an alternative).

-The flyers are just...I don't know, odd. Stay in 1st person upon entry and they work *well'ish*. Leave first person and they become *very* stupid (even if you scroll back into 1st person). =P


Included so far:


-Dark Giddy (from something else I'm working on)

-Giant Cat

-Giant Dog

-Toy UFO

-Toy Rocket







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  • 4 weeks later...

Run into a bit of trouble with intended forcing *initial* (non-permanent for duration of ride) 3rd person through the script.
...to be clear, I need to have the player forced into 3rd person *at time of activation* and *before* the mounting process begins.
Relying on keywords doesn't do it, as they come into play to late to make a difference.

If anyone has any ideas about that, please let me know (may make a new thread about it with the script handy).

Sadly, I also may have to drop Power Armor riding...but we shall see.

Regardless of that, the Giddy is probably gonna be first finished (though m150 has a nice one out now, if you all you all are interested, it's quite cool), so here's another video:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks great!ÃÃÂ How much longer till the mod is done?

Done? Ages.

The preliminary proof of concept (Giddy's and a dog or two)? Maybe today or sometime during the week. =)


Don't expect a whole lot of "fix this, find that, build with these specific items found only on the south side of a yellow (but not brown) tree" ummersionz type stuff though...that type of mod minutia is never fun for me (and thus not in most of my mods).

Simply be built using base resources from the workshop menu.

...though some of the people I'm working with might try their hand at teh ummersionz (after the base functionality is in). ;-)

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  • 3 weeks later...


having separate cats and dogs is probably a good idea,

not only for interoperability and compatibility,

though, imagine the horror - "cat-dogs" or "dog-cats"...


how is the 'invisible collar' going?

a nod to B2tF 2 hehe.

that, and the 'chaingang' chain and mace.


as to that new holo stealth giddyup;

dang that is awesome

does it come in green or red too muahaha




"The phantom riders of the wastes,

legend has it, they would appear out of nowhere,

on their buckin broncos as if made of light,

appearing to help wastelanders in direst need."


and, the same as described by wastelanders;

"A metal-horse, which made a deafening sound,

a hideous sound like shrill shrieking as from the metal-towers-with-boxes-atop-them around diamond city

had horns or tusks shaped as blades,

none dared go near this porcupine-urchin of metal,

and from either end of this beast, plumes of flames would engulf any.

some say from its eyes also shone terrible beams of lights blue red or worse, green,

though few who saw those brilliant lights lived to tell of it"


"A rainbow-unicorn speared |relative|" - that doesn't sound like any rad-stag attack most hunters in the Wastelands have heard of...

could it be some prototype or malfunctioning giddyup bronco?

rainbow... the active stealthboy camouflage system must be malfunctioning,

unicorn... it must have a protrusion, perhaps where some have tried to attack the 'creature' in the past?



It's going in the "league of mystery-people"/"Regulators of the Commonwealth" squad.

I'm thinking it'll be like a "BigKnights" novelty, a small buckin bronco with a T51 power armor rider.

or, as a 'donkey'/"mr.Eddy" talking Buckin' Bronco companion.


it would be awesome to see the deploy/enter vehicle animation be like the aLone Ranger jumping into thin air,

and the giddyup just materializes... dang that'd be tricky.

it's tricky enough for holo-powerarmor to toggle opacity and animate around the character


when you don't want the giddyup, it dematerializes or 'engages stealthboy" hehe.

if you call the buckin' bronco,

it goes to the player.


and, imagine if the texture surface were an animation...

all hail the hypno-giddyup-buckin-bronco.

lava-lamp bronco, liquid metal bronco, etc



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You really do have fantastic ideas, you know that, correct? =)

If I was good enough to actually do them, we'd be recording most words you say in a notebook for reference.


On that last little note, the holo skin is animated to some extent now, with mostly a cloudy drifting texture. =)

Hadn't even thought about it until I was inspired by another modder who had helped us out on this whole thing. But now, we do have ideas for other effects and hope to implement them soon'ish


For the time being, though, I think we may stick with more traditional animals (wheeled/flying vehicles are being put aside for a bit, for possibly obvious reasons, but that's okay =) ) as these so far don't seem to be as 'called for' as I might have hoped. We have a few ideas in that area though, so that's okay too. =)

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