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Giving characters KS Hairdos SSE hair.

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the newbie question, but is there a way to export a KS Hairdos haircut to a custom built follower? I have spent hours trying to get the CK to accept the hairstyle, and it even loads the characters model in CK with the hair, but as soon as you open Skyrim the hair is reverted back to a vanilla doo, and looks shitty. I'm relatively new to modding, and cannot figure out how to permanently make this NPC's hair a selection from the MOD. I'm really looking for just a specific hair style in KS Hairdos and not anything from Apachii or co. Any help?




Pic 3 is what it reverts immediately back to in the game, and pic 1 is what I'm looking for. : /

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I'm not a big fan of the CK and to add hair to my NPC I just replace the hair part of the npc in the facegen file (.nif) with the hair from KS Hairdos (.nif) (you need to add the hairline to the facegen as well if there is one, ex: lotus.nif and lotusHL.nif).


What you have to do is as easy as copy/paste with nifskope. That's how I did and it works perfectly.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I found this thread on a different site, and it helped me a ton with putting KS hair on my own follower character. I don't know much about the site where the thread is hosted, but the steps are sound, and it looks SFW. Make sure you read both the first and second posts. The second one talks about adding the hairline part and is important.




For me, it wasn't a perfect fix. I got an error that the hair exceeded the unit bounds at step 15, so there are a few see-through streaks and the hair as a whole is faintly transparent. Still, it's on my character with no black face bug, so it's enough for me. Maybe someone can figure out how to make it not quite so see-through?


Please let me know if this post is breaking any of the nexus forum rules so that I can fix it. I've never posted here before. Happy modding!

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