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BUG FIXES For Fallout 4


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Hey. So I decided to make a post on how to fix some uncommon bugs.


Bug #1: Laggy ass main menu

Fix: Clean out your save folder located in C:\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4\Saves. (Apparently if your saves folder is too big ( in my case 4gb LOL) it'll lag the the hell out of your main menu).

Bug #2: INSANE RAM usage. ( in my case 12gb and more sometimes, which made the game unplayable).
Adjust page file. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. the correct conversion, when manually setting a page file is, 1.5 - 2 times your installed system RAM. (Note: page files are often not big. for whatever reason using this conversion ratio solved my problem completely).

Bug #3: Crash on save (this could be for many reasons, but in my case it was bad config settings)


Fix: Delete your fallout 4 configs from C:\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4, and run the launcher to generate new ones.


Bug #4: Invisible textures / models.

Fix: This is caused by missing assets. Make sure all textures and meshes are in the correct folders.


If i find more i'll be sure to post it here!


Edited by DJFrosted
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