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okay,so i´m an idiot but,how the freak do i post images in the supporters section,and only there?? cuz i´m flabbergasted,stumped and generally more confused than a molerat in a petting zoo.. advice please!!

The rules are clear,i know but the technical side of it stumps me.. i click the profanity box and hope and "hey,wham,presto.. what i post goes to the general public.. and i don´t want to hurt their little feeeeeeelingzzzezzzz by showing them bare skin.. oh´no.. i´m a good citizen.. so,anybody?? help .....

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Forgive my ignorance, but what's the difference between supporter image and a "regular" image? I've seen that option in my user area, but could never find an explanation of what it was.


"This section of the site is only open to Supporters and Premium Members. As such the terms and conditions are slightly different and adult nudity is allowed in this section. Adult nudity is still not allowed in the non-Supporter Image Share section so please do not upload adult content there."


Is what it says when you open up the "Supporter's images" page. And since the page is completely devoid of images for me, I guess all images contain nudity of some kind.

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