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Can You Group Mods?


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let's put it this way... you have two characters (character 1 and character 2)
if you mean like...
character 1 has wanky walking animation
and you want

character 2 to have sexy walking animation

i dont think so.

as much as i understand... there's only one specific file for walking animation and most character presets. when you install a mod that changes the walking animation you basically replace that "walking animation file"

but then again - im just new.
I never made a mod and im 1 week old to skyrim :>

so to what i understand now... just use NMM... you can enable and disable mod anytime you want if you are going to another character. and enable it again if your other character needs it.


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I want to try making a completely different character, but I want to disable some active mods, and add mods only for that character. Is it possible to quickly do this by creating another section all together?


Hi there. It's not clear whether you're referring to the website or perhaps your modding environment, so I'll quickly try to answer both.


Regarding the website, unfortunately there is currently no functionality for putting mods in to separate "sections" or "buckets" that would be useful in your situation. It's something we've worked on in the past however and hope to return to it eventually, but only after the site redesign is complete.


If you are referring to your modded game however, there are certain mod managers that can accomplish what what I think you may be looking for. For instance, the Profiles system within Nexus Mod Manager will allow you to create a set of mods that you can activate and deactivate quickly as you see fit, such as changing characters. Look for these options next to the "launch" button within Nexus Mod Manager.


Hope this helps!

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