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School of the Roach Errors etc.


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Currently, I am trying to use "School of the Roach for 1.3" with a few other mods, I've used Script Merger and fixed most things (I think). I am still running into issues when trying to run the game. I'll go ahead and quote them here for someone that might be able to help me out, since I really have been wanting to get Witcher 2 armor sets and some new useful nifty features.


Here they are (from RedEngine 3s Script Compilation):

Error [modsotr_scripts]game\temp.ws(14794): Could not find function 'IsAllDLCsAvailable'
Error [content0]game\gui\commonmainmenubase.ws(73): Could not find function 'GetChosenMainMenuType'
Error [modsotr_scripts]game\gui\main_menu\ingamemenu.ws(783): Could not find function 'IsAllDLCsAvailable'
Error [content0]game\gui\main_menu\maincreditsmenu.ws(397): Could not find function 'GetChosenMainMenuType'
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.
(end) I'll also post a screenshot of it & all of my current relevant mods for any of you who might know how to fix this issue.
Gwent Card Dealer
No Witcher Sense Zoom FX plus Toggle and Range
School of the Roach for 1.3
Edited by xNu0x
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If you still have this problem after all the guides you've seen (mine was with IsAllDLCsAvailable) go to The Witcher 3-Wild Hund/content/content0/scripts/ . Find dlcManager.ws and copy it. Go to The Witcher 3-Wild Hund/mods/SORT_Scripts/content/scripts/game n paste dlcManager.ws. After that open dlcManager.ws, which you've just copy&pasted and edit (with txt reader, just fine) next function - public function IsAllDLCsAvailable() : bool { return true; } and save it.

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