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PayPal being Shady?


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I tried to donate to may favorite MA today. First time I have ever donated. I went to donate and was transferred to a Paypal site. I do not have a Paypal account so I chose that option. It would not take debit so I tried my credit card, which was rejected. I tried my two other credit cards which are different credit companies (ie. visa, mastercard). All were rejected, "you are unable to use that card." Thinking something was wrong I called my banks and they said everything was fine and there was no reason my cards were not accepted. So I thought I would open a Paypal account. Turns out you cannot transfer money to someone unless you give them you Social Security number and "link" your bank account. Which didn't really bother me until I read their legal agreement. Linking your account grants them limited power of attorney over your bank account. Now I am no legal expert, but I am sure that granting a corporate entity ANY power of attorney over your financial affairs is a horrible idea. Plus I really think that they were rejecting my cards solely to push me to sign up for their "free" service, which is free unless you don't want to give away power, in which case your only option is to go online, get a bar code from Paypal, walk you butt to a store, show them the bar code, and then pay Paypal $3.75 a transaction to add your own money into your Paypal account to then go back online and send money from your wallet to its destination. What is going on here?


I canceled my Paypal account and am now looking for a new way to support the MA. There has got to be a better way, right?

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