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Making a mod right now set in Colorado Springs, you meet some raiders and after you kill them you pick up a note which starts the main quest for this mod. I wrote this script

scn COLOMQtriggerscript
begin OnAdd player
if getstage COLOMQ1 <10
if player.getHasNote FCRaiderNote
setstage COLOMQ1 10
Is there any problems? I don't see any but the quest will not start, also is there a problem with this that will make the quest start over and over?
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You can't attach scripts to notes, so this would have to be attached to a misc. item that replaces itself with the note when picked up. Which means that the player has not received the note yet, so GetHasNote will return false. Speaking of which, how are you even adding the note to the player if you're not doing it in this script?


I would just do this:

begin OnAdd Player    ; Run when player picks up misc. item
    AddNote FCRaiderNote    ; Give note to player
    SetStage COLOMQ1 10    ; Start quest
    RemoveMe    ; Remove misc. item
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The player picks up the note from a dead raider

Can't tell if you mean this now works, or you are still having troubles. So, just in case I'll repeat how this works as previously described in script comments, in more detail.


[Edit: added some clarification.]


You may have noticed that "notes" are often used in the game to start or advance Quest Stages. However, they can also be used to pass along information, either related to the quest or just as general background. GECK: Notes are one of three things: text, an image, or a sound (with a graphic). These typically come as a "holotape" (the "model" NIF file). That is one of the "misc. items" mentioned in the script above that the note is attached to. Doesn't have to be a "holotape" model (could be a tin can or clipboard or any object you can "take"), but the "holotape" object is the convention used in FNV. It has to be an "item" from the object tree that the player can take up from the game world and include in their inventory, which is why "containers" like a corpse or chest won't work. You can (if you wish; it's not required) then have your script remove the "item" (whose only purpose is to provide a flexible anchor for the note) from their inventory, and add the text/image/sound of the note (i.e. "FCRaiderNote" above) to the player. It will then appear in their Pipboy "Data" tab under "Notes".


It's easiest to take an existing "holotape" object (or whatever) and change the EditorID to make a new object. That way all the associated mesh and texture files are already linked. Otherwise you have to unpack them from the BSA as the GECK Editor doesn't look there for those files.



Edited by dubiousintent
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