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Black screen of death!


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Ok, so every once in a while, when I play Fallout 3, I'll play for idk maybe an hour or more, when I enter a room, or use the coc command, sometimes the game dosn't load and just goes to a black screen, no music, no sound, nothing, just an epty, black, screen, and I can't get out of it either! I can't force it to desktop, I can't use the task manager to force stop it, all I can do is either make my toolbar show by pressing the windows key + D or turn the pc off (or sign out, they both really do the same, close EVERYTHING I HAD UP!) this is really frustrating when I'm in a mission and suddenly the game dies and the last auto save I had was about 500 raiders and ammo boxes of loot ago, of what I can tell, no one else is having this problem, although I am using mods, but this started happening when I first got the game and was trying to get it to work on windows 10, (a really annoying process that I'd be unhappy to have to do again) back to the problem, the black screen, the only solution I've found is to sign out and close everything, then wait the 50 years it takes for steam to load back up, and wait for my PC to realize it's on and doing a thing, (another 50 years) (Pfft, more like 500 years) but I wish there was some way, maybe some code that when the game goes unresponsive it loses automatically and gives a report on what happed, (like how Minecraft used to do with their launcher, I wouldn't know if it still happens I've not crashed Minecraft, yet, and I don't play it nearly as much as Skyrim or Fallout 3) so in conclusion,



Thank you!

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