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*BUG* Abort Mission extraction zone edge tiles


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Not sure if this is the right thread to post bugs but this is a fairly bad one. Ive noticed that the 4 corners of the extraction zone count as 'outside' the zone despite the square tile graphic including the edges. I believe some mission code recognises the edges but the "lost soldier" code doesn't. For example I just finished the crysallid Fishing Village "Operation Cursed Heart" mission which goes to a cutscence after successful extraction. The red mission box "you have 2 soldiers outside the zone" appeared just as the mission accepted i had everyone in the extraction zone and proceded to the cutscene. In the post-mission briefing the red mission box for 'extraction or abort mission' still popped up on top of the mission debriefing , but the kill count showed as 42 alien kills to 0 xcom deaths!


Couldn't close the mission screen as the red box covered the mission end screen and couldnt click any of the mission tabs and the game had confused itself.


Beware the 4 edges of extraction zone if you're in a hot retreat!


- Edge

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