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A Cool Lore-Friendly Quest, involving Your Undead In-Laws


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Alright, guys, I'm new around here. And I love Fallout 4 to death. Last night I was masturbating to Todd Howard's face when I had a brilliant idea for a quest/companion mod.


Hear me out:


After things go nuclear, Nate/Nora thinks "oh s#*!, my entire extended family is long-dead. My poor relatives!"


This isn't strictly true, however.


Somewhere, deep in Massachusetts, there's a little house where the Sole Survivor's in-laws lived. Upon discovering it, however, it seems that the father-in-law, Shaun's grandfather, is now a feral ghoul. Despite being trapped in the body of a feral, Grandpa recognizes you and decides to help out in whatever ways his primitive mind can concoct. The result is a shambling, inarticulate companion-for-life, who instead of requiring adult diapers will now devour the flesh of your opponents and eagerly carry whatever garbage you pick up in town.


If anyone at all can see the comedic potential for such a mod, hit me up! I'd love to have permanent feral ghoul companion, and I feel like giving it a backstory would be even better.

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Oh man there's so much potential for this.

What if like, Nate's father in law never liked him

Let's call him Stan

Stan survived the apocalypse, but was captured and turned into a super mutant.

Being the surly bastard he is, he resisted turning into a violent retard. So now he lives at his small house tending his mutant begonias and ripping the limbs off Raiders.


At first he's furious that his daughter was killed, but then wants to join you to exact revenge.

Then he spends his entire time as your companion chastising you.


It'd be completely different if you're playing as Nora. Stan would want to come with you to protect you and help you find Shaun.

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