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MCM menu doesn't show the text properly...


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Hello guys,


So I've been modding my skyrim for a while now, and since I'm playing on mac I need to install every mod manually (except for those coming from the steam workshop).


But I ran into an issue, some mods from the Nexus with a MCM menu have their text messed up, any idea on how to fix that ?

Normal MCM menu (from steam workshop mod):


Bugged MCM menu (from nexus):


the mod is "forgotten magic redone"

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Looks like it could be an issue with the localisation system for MCM menus. SkyUI extends the base game localisation system so that mods can use it in their MCM menus. So that, instead of writing things like "Enable FeatureA" or "FeatureB Options" directly to the MCM menu scripts, mod authors can instead use keywords of sorts in their menus that will be localised based on the language of the user's game.


More here: https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki/MCM-Advanced-Features#Localization


For example if there exists "SomeMod.esp", the author could use the localisation system to supply different texts for, for example, English and German version of the game by placing two files


with the localised key-value pairs in them, for example in the English version (where the key and value have tab between them)

$KEYA The intended text in English for KEYA
$KEYB The intended text in English for KEYB

and in the German version

$KEYA The intended text in German for KEYA
$KEYB The intended text in German for KEYB

so that both English and German versions get their own versions of the menu texts. But if/when there is no localisation file or key for the specific language, the system leaves the key string itself in the menu (because the key is what there really is written in the menu, the system just substitutes the key with the localised string value and the user sees the localised/replaced version), resulting in those dollar signs and obscure strings. So it could be that either the mod does not have the localisation file for your specific game language (there is no fallback to English by default), or that the mod has the file, but you do not have it in the right place for the game to find it. If the mod only has the localisation file for English, for example, but your game is in German, you could just try copy-pasting the existing English file and replacing the "ENGLISH" part of the name with "GERMAN", for example.


Hopefully that helps a bit, it was the first that came in mind looking at the screenshots, it could be something else, too (maybe?). Hopefully someone else can help you more. :thumbsup:


Edit: Oooopsie, fixed a critical typo for the file path!


Edit 2: The MCM localisation files for a mod can also be packed in a BSA archive, in which case something like BSAopt can be used to browse the archive and extract things.

Edited by Contrathetix
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You are a genius, thanks a lot ^^


In the "Interface" folder of the mod there is a "translations" folder, and i indeed only copied the english version, not the russian version.


I did what you told me and now it works perfectly.


thank you :)

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